PRE-SITE SCOPING A brief site visit informs a desk‐top assessment of likely avifauna present, possible impacts, and the design of a site-specific survey and monitoring protocols.
PRE-CONSTRUCTION MONITORING Monitoring and impact assessment – a full assessment of the significance of likely impacts and available mitigation options, based on the results of systematic and quantified monitoring.
POST CONSTRUCTION - LIVE BIRD MONITORING Repetition of the pre-construction monitoring, plus the collection of mortality data, to complete a before and after picture of impacts, and refine mitigation measures.
POST CONSTRUCTION - BIODIVERSITY MONITORS Biodiversity Monitors are appointed and trained according to best practice guidelines for bird and bat monitoring. The required search protocols are provided, and close contact is maintained with the team to ensure that all objectives are met.
IMPLEMENTING, TRAINING AND MANAGING SHUTDOWN ON DEMAND (SDoD) Shutdown on Demand is a key mitigation measure for operational WEF's to ensure a low species-specific mortality.
ASSISTING WITH STATIC BAT MONTORING Assisting with acoustic bat monitoring including transects, detector installations, data downloads and bias trails.